Category Archives: philosophy

What do Philosophers Know?

Philosophers ask many questions about many things, including their own discipline. One of the important questions about the discipline of philosophy is this: Is philosophy a reliable means of knowledge? The question whether philosophy can amount to knowledge becomes particularly acute when it is considered in the contrast with the hard sciences. The history of […]

The Surprising Logic of the World

  Memoria College professor Dan Sheffler’s new article in The Classical Teacher: The study of logic is the study of that which makes sense, the study of those structures that necessarily must be in order for things to hang together without contradiction. The Greeks called the intelligible structure of something its logos, and this is […]

All God’s Instruments

  Memoria College tutor Thomas Cothran, writing at Eclectic Orthodoxy, about St. Thomas Aquinas’ position on the problem of predestination: God causes all of our actions, including our acts of choosing. He does not merely give mankind the power of choice, he causes the act of choosing itself. We are mere instruments of God’s will. […]

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